When Your Heart Is Broken


Where do such strong feelings come from?

“It broke my heart. I feel crushed.”

That’s how we describe our feelings when a love relationship breaks up or turns into a big disappointment.

Why do these losses bring out such deep feelings?

It might show us how human beings are “wired.” Do these deep feelings reveal we are made for deep relationships?

We thought we had this beautiful thing which connected deeply with our very being, but now it is eluding us. That’s painful.

Statements like “It broke my heart. I feel crushed,” might also reflect despair.

Unmet expectations and desires point to what we are putting our hope in! Just listen to popular love songs and you know we expect a lot from romantic love, especially in our culture.

Yes, romantic love can be really beautiful. But could it be we are placing too much weight on it? Do we truly believe romantic love will give us ultimate satisfaction and meaning in life? 

If we believe that we are bound to be disappointed at some time. Ultimate satisfaction cannot be found in a love relationship with another human being. When we expect so much from romantic love, we will be crushed when we don’t find what we are longing for.

So should we just guard our hearts and try to extinguish our longings?

We believe there is better way—a path which also leads to a source of comfort in our disappointments.

The Secret

A real love relationship is indeed something beautiful. We see it celebrated in the rich oriental poetry of the biblical book Song of Songs. Real love between a man and a woman carries within itself a secret. It points to something greater beyond romance.

For ultimate meaning and satisfaction we have to discover the secret to which a real beautiful love relationships points. 

The wondrous love poetry of Song of Songs celebrates human love, surely. But it is also a parable of the deeper love relationship for which we are ultimately created.

In the Tanakh we also find a Psalm which is called a song of love.

Psalm 45 is a description of the Messiah as a beautiful, gracious, victorious, righteous and divine king. That Psalm also describes a joyful wedding of this king with a princess.

The Love of Messiah

To what do these poetic lines point? They direct us to the divine love which God offers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.

Messiah Yeshua paid the ultimate price of dying for all our sins to make an amazing eternal love relationship possible. He is now the resurrected king who even is victorious over death. And His love never wavers or fails!

If we take refuge in Him, we are the princess of Psalm 45. When we put our trust in Messiah we are destined to enjoy forever the ultimate love relationship which alone will satisfy our deepest longings — far beyond what any romantic human experience provides.

We don’t have to wait until the world to come to enjoy a relationship with Messiah. You can experience a foretaste of it today. Trusting in Messiah Jesus can give you a deep sense of the shalom He brings us here and now.

Personally knowing this love puts things in perspective.

Yes, contrary to what we have hoped, negative things in life will still occur, and that can be really painful. We will also miss out on earthly things we desire, and that can be disappointing. But we are comforted in knowing this, in setting our affections on what is eternally important we won’t miss out on ultimate satisfaction.

The ultimate love relationship is guaranteed for everyone who puts his hope in Messiah Yeshua.

We would love to discuss with you how you personally also can enjoy this love which never fails. Click the “Let’s talk” chat link or contact us at https://www.insearchofshalom.com/contact.


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