I'm Ready To Believe. Now What?

When you accept Yeshua (Jesus) as your Messiah, you enter into God’s New Covenant, His family. You are given a new spiritual heart and new spirit; you enter into an everlasting shalom.

This is not a matter of action (works), but a matter of faith. In order to receive such a salvation, you need to simply accept the work of God in your life. Praying from the heart:

  • Repent: admit to God you are a sinner in need of forgiveness. (Ecc. 7:20, Rom. 3:23)

  • Believe: acknowledge Jesus as your Messiah and accept that He is God, the Saviour who became a man in order to reconcile (make right) many men and women to God, both Jews and Gentiles. (Isaiah 53:6, Matt. 11:28-30)

  • Accept: trust in Messiah’s work of salvation, that He atoned for your sins (took your sin upon himself so that your sins would be covered over) in His death, and rose on the third day in victory as a promise of l’chayei olam (eternal life). (John 15:13, Rom. 5:8)

  • Commit: Give your life to Messiah Jesus. As you seek to follow His path all the days of your life, depend on His Holy Spirit to help you. (John 8:12)

You can pray from your heart as you wish. But if you need help, here is a prayer you can use. Be sure as you pray, you are expressing what is in your heart:

Almighty Father,
I know that I have rebelled against you, and have done things, said things or thought things that have grieved you.
I want to turn from my rebelliousness, to seek your face and your ways.
Please accept this prayer of repentance.
I believe that you sent your Son, Yeshua (or Jesus), to die as an atonement for my sins.
With this prayer I receive Yeshua (or Jesus) as my Saviour and my Lord – the God of my salvation.
I believe that through him and his sacrifice on the cross my sins are covered and I am made wholly clean before you.
Write my name, O Lord, in your Book of Life forever, and help me to serve you with all my heart, with all my might, with all my mind and with all my strength.
I pray this in the name of my Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach [or Jesus Christ]. Amen!

If you have said this prayer we would love to hear from you! Please contact us and let us know so we can celebrate with you!

If you are not ready to make this commitment, contact us to chat or go to our home page to browse some of our material.


What Does It Mean To "Know Yeshua"?